Oktala designs print material for the most diverse applications: newspapers and magazines ads, folders, flyers, stickers, banners, catalogs, and publications among others.
The services offered include digital photography, image treatment, vector illustrations, layout and the final preparation of files for printers, as well as the follow-up of the print process.
Clínica Synergia
Wayfind project
TIES - The International Ecotourism Society
Thirty page program for North American Ecotourism Conference.
Euromaz - Centro de Desenvolvimento Euro-Amazone
NGO - Sustainable Toursim
Institutional flyer, size A4, with one fold, double sided.
CI - Prêmio de Reportagem sobre Biodiversidade
Eighty three page publication with the winning articles of the Biodiversity Reporting award of the Andes. 2005-2006 Edition.
Oikos Agroecologia
Environmental NGO
Labels for honey, dried bananas and cheese. Business cards.
Per Amico Café
Coffee shop
Design pieces developed: Façade, business cards, plates, menu, uniforms, and napkins.
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Design of panels and banners for the TNC booth at the COP8, in Curitiba Brazil.
TNC - Conservar é da nossa Natureza
Institutional publication with 13 pages about the work of TNC in Brazil.
Microbiana Descontaminações
Banners, flyers, folders, business cards, product labels and logos.
Espaço Psicanalitico
Education and Psychology
Folder and banner about Pyschology courses.
TNC - Institutional Package
Institutional folder with two internal pockets, eletronic newsletter, flyers, invitations, image treatment, etc.
Aliança para a Conservação da Mata Atlântica
Advertising package for the launching of the Ecological Corridors website. Design pieces developed: flyers, banners, botons, t-shirts and photographical stand.
CI - Parque Nacional da Amazônia
Flyer and banner for the Amazon National Park
Viva Equipamentos - Ecobrisa
Flyers, folders, ads, catalogs, manuals, animations, interactive CD ROM, banners, panels, displays, outdoors, website and others.
Heart of the Home Dining
Food service
Logo, letterhead, envelope and business cards.
CI - Areas Protegidas
Thirty two page publication about conservation areas in the Brazilian biomes.